Below is the kit to compete in this category.
We suggest each school purchase the following: 1 arena per 10 teams and 1 mTiny Kit per team
Below is the kit to compete in this category.
We suggest each school purchase the following: 1 BYOR Kit per team
Below is the kit to compete in this category.
We suggest each school purchase the following: at least 1 Arena per school, 1 Starter Addon Pack per 5 teams and 1 BYOR Kit per team. The competition frame is optional
For returning teams who participated in 2022 Mubarmij50 competition, You already have all the equipment's you need to participate in this category.
Below is the kit to compete in this category.
We suggest each school purchase the following: at least 1 Arena per school, 1 Explorer Educational Kit per 4 teams and 1 BYOR Kit per team.
Below is the kit to compete in this category.
We suggest each school purchase the following: at least 1 Arena per school and 1 BYOR Kit per team